Invisalign Treatment in Duluth

We recognize that orthodontic treatment may seem to be somewhat overwhelming to many people. Our compassionate, understanding orthodontists and staff can help alleviate that feeling.

Cutting-edge methods like Invisalign can make your experience virtually painless, fast and satisfying when you view your stunning smile for the very first time.


Treatment Planning

At (    ) in Duluth, our highly trained orthodontists are certified to supply Invisalign treatment. Invisalign is not the option for everyone, so your first visit will include a comprehensive exam to determine whether it is right for your needs. If it is a good choice for you, we will create a 3D image that will ensure that we have a precise impression of the teeth. This image may also be used to create a digital image that portrays the steps of progression of your treatment.

The imaging will be sent to a lab to produce the clear, custom-made, removable aligners needed for the procedure. The aligners are much more comfortable than conventional braces because the tension on teeth is greatly reduced. These aligners should be removed and replaced with a new set every two weeks. One of the benefits of this method is the reduction of appointments, but monitoring is still necessary and we will need to determine how well your treatment is progressing.

Maximizing Treatment

In order to maximize your treatment, the aligners need to be worn for a minimum of 20 hours a day. You can remove them for eating and brushing and flossing teeth. Being able to remove them helps you to continue your excellent oral hygiene routine. Just as with standard braces, to prevent teeth from shifting back, a retainer will be used in most cases.

Invisalign Benefits

     1. Virtually painless
     2. No wires, bands, ties, elastics or tightening
     3. Reduced Treatment Time
     4. Typically twelve to eighteen months
     5. Convenient
     6. Removable for eating, brushing and flossing
     7. Little change to daily habits
     8. No metal, no embarrassment
     9. Cost

Many people assume that Invisalign has a higher cost than many of the other types of braces, but upon reviewing the advantages as discussed, it is actually a cost-effective orthodontic solution. This is particularly true taking into consideration that less time will be spent at visits and that you will enjoy greater independence in your daily life because of their versatility and invisibility.

Duluth,  GA

If you want to find the right team for your orthodontics experience, turn to our professionals. We are ready to take any action possible in order to make you feel better about your everyday life.

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